51. Ashley James on Achieving Health Naturally

Ashley knows what it is like to feel like life is dark, hope is something for others, health is a dream and it is hard. At her worst point, she had Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), type two diabetes, chronic fatigue, brain fatigue and a list of health issues holding her back from living the life of her dreams.

Today she is thriving, has overcome all of her health challenges, and is helping others to create a life of thriving through her podcast, coaching, and by sharing her personal journey.

The Foundation of Health

  1. Sleep -We should be getting at least 8 hours of sleep you can listen to her full interview on sleep hygiene
  1. Moving your body -Get outside, hug a tree, breathe in the fresh air and move your body
  1. Eat Vegetables -Aim for two cups per meal or 6-8 cups per day
  1. Drink Water -Aim for 1/3 of your body weight plus extra for your vices such as sugar and sitting all day.
  1. Supplements

Mentioned on the show

Every Day is A Second Chance to gain new learnings, learn something new, learn from others, your own experience, the past, the painful things. You can listen to the interview on the Podcast: Here


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