Despite living with Fanconi anemia and surviving cancer twice, he is remarkably resilient. Daniel started the Life, Death and Happiness podcast to allows others the opportunity to share their amazing stories of living with chronic and sometimes terminal illnesses. He has a great sense of humor and shares his story to inspire others. Listen to […]
Jessie Ace was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, referred to as MS, in her early 20’s. Undoubtedly shocked, she went through a difficult time while she learned about it and figured out what to do. Instead of considering herself disabled, she chose to see her self as an enabled warrior and founded a group to support […]
Entrepreneurs often feel as if they are juggling many balls all at once. When an illness invites itself into our life it adds a few extra balls. If you find yourself in this situation, or simply juggling too many balls at the same time this story may interest you. Craig Dias is an entrepreneur, real […]
For years Kaylene experienced many medical symptoms and illnesses. After a long journey, she was diagnosed with Complex PTSD. While in treatment she was able to link the medical challenges she had been faced with to the trauma from the abuse she endured as a child. Today on the show, From Diagnosis to Dreaming […]
Meet Mj Callaway Mj is our first guest sharing her story that has not only beat cancer but is currently overcoming it now. She has a fearless faith mindset and came on the podcast to share her testimony of just how much can be overcome for anyone that is facing something challenging. Mj Callahan is […]
Aaron was a Police Chief, Husband and Father when he experienced a close call with death. After realizing he could have suffered a heart attack, mini-stroke or aneurism he experienced a change in his life. He shares his journey through more than a decade of personal growth and a shift from surviving to now living […]
Life is full of twists and turns and ups and downs. For our guest today, there has been no exception. He shares the story of his life; from being raised by a Single-Mother on Welfare to becoming an unfulfilled millionaire to his current life that is filled with a successful business and family. He tells […]
Woman are like the thermostat of the home, there is a ripple into their families, jobs and everything they do if they are not well. This week on Mindset Monday is our first Practitioner interview with Dr. Cobi from Essential Health Natural Wellness Clinic. We all know it is important to have a healthy body […]