Category: Mindset

How To Answer Why Did This Happen To Me? with Aaron Keith Hawkins

Aaron was a Police Chief, Husband and Father when he experienced a close call with death. After realizing he could have suffered a heart attack, mini-stroke or aneurism he experienced a change in his life. He shares his journey through more than a decade of personal growth and a shift from surviving to now living […]

Ending the Overwhelm and Stress with Nicole Burgess

Nicole Burgess is a licensed psychotherapist, host of Soulfilled Sisterhood podcast, and introvert empowerment coach to high achieving and sensitive professional women. She helps highly sensitive women end the overwhelm and stressed out cycle, perfectionism and find balance in their life. They go from surviving to thriving in our busy world.  Nicole began her career in Corporate America as […]

Gratitude’s Lifeline with Rachel DesRochers

“You can not be in gratitude and have lack at the same time. It is a conscious choice that you as a human being are making to say, I don’t have enough or look at how full my cup is.” -Rachel DesRochers Mentions: 5 Love Languages Links: Instagram – @racheldesrochers Facebook- @racheldesrochers Listen on Anchor