Frustrated, Stressed & In Debt to The Abundance Mindset with Nate Ridgeway
Welcome to the Synergy Mindset Podcast, Mindset Monday Edition. Nate Ridgeway is here to share about the Scarcity Mindset vs. the Abundance Mindset. We will find out what the Abundance Mindset is and how can we adopt an Abundance Mindset?
Nate is a Husband, Father, Entrepreneur, John Maxwell Certified Coach, Pastors’ Son, the Leader of Life Tribe and also has an amazing Second Chance Story. On his website, he says that he is grateful for his second chance at living life wisely and well.
He grew up, The Son of a Preacher Man, that was also, The Son of a Preacher Man and he was also the Son of a Preacher Man. Being the 4th generation involved in church ministry and taught him to love and value people and how to build things.
Whether you are building things or people’s lives it is in Nate’s DNA, in his blood.
Not an Abundance Mindset
Nate shares that he was not always living with an abundance mindset and started off his family in debt by putting the hospital bills on his credit card. They took vacations and paid utilities and at one point got to 50K credit card debt on high-interest cards.
He had the wrong mindset about life, got up to 247 lbs, was totally stressed out, hated life and ended up wondering how he ended up overweight, broke, and frustrated. He has massive desires to make a massive impact in the world and he was not making an impact at that time.
Nate was given the name, Life Architect, by a dear friend of his that had a branding firm and put the story in front of his face. He showed him how far he had come and how he was helping people to re-engineer and redesign their lives. This really played to the DNA of his heart.
A Change in Life
When he realized change needed to take place in his own life it began step by step. He experienced frustration while he was trying on his wedding/funeral suit and it just wasn’t buttoning and he punched the mirror in frustration. It as a wake-up moment of the physical state his body was in. The next was when he went to a financial coach and they uncovered his $600.00 a month Starbucks Habit. He tells us that when you are accountable and you really want to move from scarcity to abundance you are willing to take those kinds of, “spankings” from a coach.
His mindset was a scarcity mindset because he had a lack of abundance in his mindset to be honest with himself and know how to use whatever resources were available to him. He was not in abundance because he had money to spend at Starbucks, he was in scarcity because he was using money that he could have put towards his debt so that he could move towards abundance.
Moving toward abundant living is knowing how to use your resources; time, energy, money, skill, talent or the gifts that God has given you responsibility.
The Power of a Coach or Mentor
You have to be willing to submit to a coach if it is going to be effective. There are many coaches and areas of coaching and Nate feels that the coaching fit is special. He recommends taking the time to find a coach where the relationship is the right fit, someone that can help you get what you are looking for. Find someone that has done what you want to do or has been where you want to go.
Listen to the whole interview to find out what those steps are and hear the rest of Nate’s Journey. Find out how he developed a Rockstar Abundance in his life and how it has allowed him to make a massive impact in the world. You can hear the whole story on the Podcast: Listen Here
Nate’s Fav Book:
The Podcast Nate’s Listening to:
- Nate’s Website:
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- Robin’s Read the Bible with Me:
- Music credit with gratitude to Scott Holmes. Song Innovative Corporate URL:
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